Tuesday, July 02, 2019

It was worth it

Without going into details, I was in a life situation with someone for twenty years which began shortly after I started working as an attorney.  It was such that, after work, I helped run an “off the grid” animal shelter that took up around another seven hours.  This meant I would get home around midnight, spend an hour or two taking care of my cats and whatever else was needed around the house, and go to bed before 2 a.m., if I were lucky. For twenty years, I got no more than four hours of sleep a night. 

My work suffered because of it, and I was passed up many times for promotions.  Four and a half years ago, my partner died, and the animals were rehomed.  I was free.  I worked another four years, retired, sold my house and moved to Idaho Falls. 

Here, this is paradise.  I have a wonderful house with two cats who moved with me.  The city itself, and surrounding country are more beautiful than I could ever imagine.  The people here and my neighbors are awesome. I have a pension and am fortunate to be in a comfortable financial situation.  I can drive around the country here, take photographs, write, play games and catch up on television.  The life that I have now makes all of those years of anxiety, anger and sleep deprivation worth it.  It was worth it.  I am happier now than I have ever been.

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