Saturday, December 06, 2008

Buffy the Vampire Slayer

I can say, without hesitation, that this show has become one of my favorite television shows. When this show first came on, I had heard of the movie (which I dismissed) and figured the TV show was sort of like the movie. By that I mean I thought it to be harmless, somewhat vapid and cheesy. Nothing could be further from the truth. I watch the current show "How I Met Your Mother" occasionally, and on that show, I was drawn to Alyson Hannigan, who is cute as a button. Of course, I IMDB'd her, and found she was also on BTVS. I did a little bit of reading, and found articles about Buffy that said this was an intelligent, well-written show with a wicked sense of humor. That was enough to catch a couple of the episodes when they were on TNT or whatever. Well. Even though I knew nothing of the story arc, this brief exposure was enough to lead me to invest in the DVD series, called "The Chosen Collection". As an aside, I throw my change every day in a big jar. When it is full, I take it to Coinstar. This is an automated coin-counting and redemption machine at grocery stores like Albertson's. At first, I thought it was a ripoff because if you redeem your coins for cash, they take about nine cents for every dollar. But, further research revealed that if you get an Amazon gift card, or other gift cards they offer, then you get 100% of your money. As Amazon is one of my favorite sites, I can always use their gift card, so Coinstar works well for me. Anyway, my full jar of coins generally gets me around $200 - $220. This was enough to get the Buffy DVD collection. What a wonderful set. I started from the beginning, and now am just into the last season, Season 7. This show, created and nursed by Joss Whedon is amazing. Never has a series roped me in and tapped my emotions for the characters and storyline like this one. The sad thing is, when I'm finished with it, I'm going to turn around and start from the beginning, this time making use of the commentary and other features on the discs. The show is that good.