Sunday, July 15, 2007


Our creepy homeland security chief, Michael Chernoff or whatever, was on the television commenting on the British terrorism incidents. He said something like - "I don't see there being any credible threat to the homeland." WTF? What is this, Nazi Germany? Next thing, the police will be stopping me as I'm walking my dog at 1 a.m. and asking for my papers?

This reallly is a scary place we live in. I think to myself, well, I don't win the lottery, I don't win big when I go to the casino, but, those are the odds. Sometimes the odds work in your favor, as when I am NOT the person who happens to be in the wrong place at the wrong time and, as a result, get the police busting through your door at 1 a.m. Seriously, in this day and age, how easy is it for the police, in the name of "homeland security" to totally fuck your life up? Pretty easy.

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