I finally saw 2012. Have to agree totally with Roger Ebert, who said:
"The bottom line is: The movie gives you your money's worth. Is it a masterpiece? No. Is it one of the year's best? No. Does Emmerich hammer it together with his elbows from parts obtained from the Used Disaster Movie Store? Yes. But is it about as good as a movie in this genre can be? Yes."
I see this movie like chili over rice. Not the most healthful thing, but gosh, it's good.
One of my weird things is when I see stuff on TV or in the movies is watching for familiar actors/actresses and recognizing them from crossover roles, especially in the Star Trek and Buffy/Angel universe.
2012 was cool because it had two: There was a scientist in 2012 that played the exact same role, same look, just a different name, in an Angel ep, "Unleashed".
Also, there's a captain of a ship guy in 2012 that is one of my favorite guys, Stephen McHattie. I first knew him as Jake Pasquinnel, the character Pasquinnel's (Robert Conrad) son. But my favorite role, albeit a small one, was in the Star Trek: Deep Space Nine ep, "In the Pale Moonlight" where he plays a Romulan, Vreenak, who gives us the unforgettable line "It's a faaaaake!"
All in all, 2012 was a pretty good diversion.