I rented a minivan to pick up the General. The other passengers were Commander Ri'par, Alan Chafin of BabelCon and Amie, Commander Ri'par's friend from Monroe. We left in plenty of time to meet him when he arrived around 2:30. The best laid plans . . . a wreck on the Bonne Carre stopped us dead for around an hour. We were able to reach J.G. and let him know we were going to be late. He said that was okay, he'd find the airport bar. We finally got to him and what a nice guy. Not just the trip back, but all through the con, he couldn't have been better. We had a wonderful time chatting as we drove back to B.R. J.G. asked about the area, the hurricane, etc. We reached the hotel and got him checked in. After giving him a while to get settled in, Ri'par brought him a bottle of home-brewed bloodwine. He liked that a bunch. We broke out glasses and had a drink in his room. We escorted him to Ninfa's for dinner. Again, couldn't have been nicer. He asked about us, what we did, etc., patiently answered our questions, and told us a bunch of Star Trek and related stories.
After dinner, the con had a "meet and greet" with the guests. We met Suzie Plakson, who played K'helyr, Bob May, the Lost in Space robot, who was a third time returning guest and honarary emcee. Richard Hatch of Battlestar Galactica was there as well. Everyone was nice and we all had a good time.
The next day was the con. They had over 700 people, many in costume. Star Wars and feddies abounded. There were folks from Battlestar Galactica, Firefly, midieval characters and Lord of The Rings, plus many more. I went to hear the guests speak, sat in on a couple of panels, and intimidated the feddies. The main beef is that there was too much scheduled.
After the General's appearances, but before the Orion slave girls, we went to get food at Chilis. This was sort of a "Good Day to Dine", where we went in Klingon uniform. I think the staff and patrons got a kick out of that. Then, back to the con for the slave girls and costume contest. Ri'par entered and he is the best Klingon I have ever seen.
Yet, he lost to two girls and a guy dressed in sort of buckskin stuff from Firefly. I have to confess, I have a major crush on one of those girls. In the hall, she took my picture and I wish I had taken hers. Hopefully, i can find out who she is so I can do nothing. I put up a notice in Craigslist, but I guess she doesn't read it. Hell, she's probably married for all I know. There was an auction for the McMains Childrens Center at Baton Rouge General Hospital. I bid for a signed bottle of bloodwine, but dropped out when it got too expensive. I did, however, win a signed picture of one of my favorite actors, Malcom McDowell.
Anyway, as the con winded down on Saturday, Shane and me found J.G. and we all adjourned to the bar. We were joined by George, Alan and some other guy. A few beers were downed, stories told, and a wonderful time was had by all. J.G. wanted to sit in on a continuation of a lecture on global warming. I was too tired and went home.
Sunday, we were not in uniform. I listed to the WAFB weatherman, Jay Grimes, give a very interesting talk on Louisiana climate and hurricanes. Richard Hatch and J.G. talked about their upcoming projects. J.G. left, having to be at the airport at 3. Bar'tok drove him in his 'vette. Shane, George and Amie also left. It was sad to say goodbye, but nice to see my friends. Richard Hatch had an acting class, but only FOUR people signed up for it. I felt so bad, but he went on with it anyway. He told us about characters, and concentration and feeling the part. We did some improv exercises, which were fun. He was really a good guy.
In short, BabelCon was a great, great con. I look forward to going next year.