Monday, October 29, 2007

Top Gun and culture shock

This is Tom Servo

Although Top Gun is an okay movie, it has probably my favorite opening scenes of any movie (even the Bond films). I have to fight the urge to go to the nearest navy recruitment office when I see it.

If you folks want to experience culture shock to the nth degree, then do what I did the other day. I went to Whole Foods, followed immediately by a trip to Wal Mart. My God. It is like going from Beverly HIlls to East St. Louis.

Monday, October 15, 2007

Late for the bandwagon

One thing I may be guilty of is being late for the bandwagon on what is popular at the time. Three things, however, that I was NOT late for are: Cheers, Hill Street Blues, and Seinfeld. I loved all three of those shows way before they became popular. One current show that I was late for, however is Heroes. I remember last year with the "Save the cheerleader, save the world" tag thinking "this may be all right." It took me until two weeks ago to think - maybe I'll like it. As fate would have it, the first season is out on DVD. A quick trip to Amazon and wow - what a great show. I love the ensemble acting - I love the interaction between characters that don't know they are "special" With DVDs, and also with this one, the commentary is my favorite part. I only saw the one with the Indian guy, Jack Coleman (of Dynasty fame) and the guy that is Niki's husband. How cool is that? Pretty cool.

Tuesday, October 02, 2007


I know, this is my second post about Jenna Bush. You might think I have a crush on her or something. Truth be told, I always thought Barbara was the cuter one. Jenna is in the news now because she wrote a book about a Central American girl with AIDS. I'll give her credit. When she could be doing cushy stuff here, she went to some of the most depressing places on earth to teach and to help. While we have to be realistic about this - she no doubt had a secret service detail and an entourage that would rival Jamie Foxx's, nevertheless she was there. Kinda like Al Gore being a journalist in Vietnam. While he didn't see the hell most soldiers did, he was in country and doing his duty. Same for Jenna. She seems to be a pretty okay girl and I wish her the best.