One thing I may be guilty of is being late for the bandwagon on what is popular at the time. Three things, however, that I was NOT late for are: Cheers, Hill Street Blues, and Seinfeld. I loved all three of those shows way before they became popular. One current show that I was late for, however is Heroes. I remember last year with the "Save the cheerleader, save the world" tag thinking "this may be all right." It took me until two weeks ago to think - maybe I'll like it. As fate would have it, the first season is out on DVD. A quick trip to Amazon and wow - what a great show. I love the ensemble acting - I love the interaction between characters that don't know they are "special" With DVDs, and also with this one, the commentary is my favorite part. I only saw the one with the Indian guy, Jack Coleman (of Dynasty fame) and the guy that is Niki's husband. How cool is that? Pretty cool.